With more than 40 years physiotherapy experience, we offer a complete physiotherapy service to alleviate pain and rehabilitate musculoskeletal conditions with the aim of preventing them from reoccurring.
Research and experience have proven better outcomes with a higher pain-free success rate if rehabilitation commences early if treatment. At Bodyreform we aim to begin rehabilitation work as early as possible. This starts with your first treatment session.
At your first appointment, we will assess your injury, work towards diagnosing the pain generator and pinpoint the cause. We will discuss the most appropriate course of treatment, which may include:
Muscle pain: Pain switches muscles off very quickly, so if you suffer from knee, hip or shoulder pain, you can count on the fact that your muscles will start to weaken, which will turn, and make your problem much worse.
Muscle memory: The most successful joint replacement candidates or people with moderate pathology are people who strengthen their joints right up until their surgery date. Muscles have a memory, so when it’s time to get moving again, they remember what to do – that’s why strengthening your body prior to surgery will help you accelerate your post-surgery rehabilitation.