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Ultrasound Imaging

Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging

As leading physiotherapists covering Auckland’s Ponsonby, Grey Lynn, Herne Bay and Pt Chev areas, Bodyreform uses an advanced ultrasound imaging device to visualise muscles in real-time.  This allows our physio team to assess the quality of muscle contractions, muscle timing, and muscle endurance.

Why do physiotherapists use ultrasound imaging as part of their treatment? Ultrasound imaging used to rehabilitate muscles is a postgraduate skill and a service offered by Bodyreform as a unique service to our physio client.

Assessing with real-time ultrasound ascertains which muscles are contracting and in which order.   How much effort is being used and endurance is also identified (how long can you hold the contraction for).

Ultrasound is used in the abdominal wall, pelvic floor, posterior lower back, neck or cervical spine, hips, and shoulders.  The team at Bodyreform are traveling internationally for advanced training in Ultrasound Imaging In July 2017.

Benefits of using Real Time Ultrasound includes:

  • Non-invasive technique
  • Safe, no side effects
  • Easily accessible, and
  • Reliable, providing very efficient and visual muscle contraction imagery and improved clinical results.

Advanced ultrasound imaging to visualise muscles in real-time.

Treatment of a Wide Variety of Conditions

Ultrasound imaging can be used successfully to observe and treat many common musculoskeletal conditions including:

  • Shoulder pain as a result of muscle imbalance or balance around the chest and middle back.
  • Low back pain as a result of a loss of correct muscle activation and endurance.
  • Hip pain. Ultrasound is used to ensure activation of key stabilising muscles are working following cartilage tears, hip pain, and arthritis
  • Pelvic floor.   Determining or assessing the two muscle groups of your pelvic floor are contracting or compensating ie are they working correctly or do they altered working patterns?

Accelerate your learning and understanding and get you on the right track. We will often use the real-time ultrasound machine on your first visit.  This will also be used during the course of your treatment to further re-access and educate muscle memory, strength and endurance.

How Ultrasound Imaging Works

Ultrasound imaging directs non-invasive, high?frequency sound waves to scan the muscle tissues of the body. The sound waves reflect off these tissues and are captured to produce detailed, real-time images of the tissues.

By allowing our physio team to observe the movement of your muscle tissues in real time, ultrasound imaging enables us to make a complete and thorough assessment of your deep abdominals and pelvic floor to ascertain the cause of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.

As a result, the visual feedback of the muscle function that the ultrasound scan provides enables your physiotherapist to establish a clear diagnosis and design a specific treatment programme tailored to your unique musculoskeletal condition.

An ultrasound scan can be used to assess and treat the muscles that support your lumbar spine, pelvis, hips, and shoulders.

When doing an ultrasound assessment, therapists can look at the behavior of these muscles at rest, during movement or contraction.

If you have a history of such issues as back or pelvic girdle pain, urinary incontinence, shoulder pain,  hip pain or if you have been pregnant, muscles may not be working properly. It’s essential to retrain muscles to help you recover normal movement and movement control in a pain-free range.

Ultrasound imaging enables your Bodyreform therapist to:

  • Look at muscle contraction (which muscles are working too hard or not enough)
  • Muscle endurance
  • Educate you and provide visual feedback on your specific muscle dysfunction
  • Physiotherapy treatment using the ultrasound machine
  • Monitor progress in rehabilitation to ensure that changes to treatment are made at the optimum times and in the most effective way

Clients at Bodyreform who present with lumbar spine pain or pelvic floor dysfunctions have benefited greatly from real-time ultrasound imaging being used as part of their assessment and treatment.

Why use real-time ultrasound during physiotherapy?

Having a strong core means that all the muscles in the trunk of your body are strong and flexible, and are working together to support and stabilise the spine. Your ability to identify and strengthen your core abdominals is crucial for spinal rehabilitation.

The tranversus abdominus multifidus (corset muscles around your lower back) and multifidus muscles (pieces of eye fillet steak either side of the bony parts of your lower spine) attach locally to the lumbar to give us core spinal stability. These muscles are an important component of our core or ‘cylinder of stability’.

Unfortunately, these spine-stabilising muscles switch off after back pain lasting more a couple of days. When this happens, these muscles need to be retrained and strengthened to function properly.

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