Ultrasound Imaging Bodyreform


Bodyreform is the proud owner of a near new Sonosite Ultrasound machine. To enhance the best practice for all our lower spine clients, we can take a look at what your abdominals are doing, in real time. Just like car mechanics can pop the bonnet, we can use our transducer probes to assess what abdominal muscles are working, which ones are over or underactive. Also with the machine, we can retrain our clients to contract the correct musculature, and minimise any over-activity which may be contributing to their spine pain.
Our practice is research-based, and we are positive rehabilitative will enhance our clinical practice, getting better results for our clients, at a faster rate.

Our practice is research-based, and we are positive rehabilitative will enhance our clinical practice, getting better results for our clients, at a faster rate.

If you have any questions or would like your spine and abdominals assessed using ultrasound imaging, please call or email us, sarah@bodyreform.co.nz.

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